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U.D.O. - Live in Bulgaria 2020 - Pandemic Survival Show

On March 19, 2020, the group released U.D.O. The concert album "Live in Bulgaria 2020 – Pandemic Survival Show".

This is the fifth live album of the band U.D.O. of the singer and songwriter Udo Dirkschneider, known among others from the band "Accept".

The Covid-19 crisis has forced many to face difficult challenges and it has practically paralyzed the global music industry.

Despite the crisis, U.D.O. succeeded. To take the stage on September 18, 2020, and in advanced pandemic conditions to give a performance in front of 2,500 fans at the Roman amphitheater in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Not only is this one of the only shows of this magnitude that took place in front of an audience during the Covid-19 period, but as far as we know, it is the only show that was also recorded and filmed.

This is the only show that U.D.O. They performed throughout 2020 and those who know the band know that it is a very active band that performs hundreds of shows every year.

This show provided quite a few headaches and not only for logisticians and hygiene. Until right around the time of the show, it was not clear if it would take place at all. Is it possible to implement the necessary hygiene regime in Bulgaria? Can the band members who live in four different countries enter the country and how will they play after more than nine months of "silence" outside the stages.

In honor of the special occasion, the band put together a particularly varied and indulgent set that deviated from the usual set that the band used to perform during the "Steelfactory" tour (also in Israel). Several tracks that were not played on the tour were added to the setlist, when the surprise of the evening was a sequence of songs by the band "Accept". which is intended to please the audience in light of the special situation.

For Lisening: Spotify



01. Tongue Reaper 02. Make The Move 03. Midnight Mover 04. Wrong Side Of Midnight 05. Metal Machine

06. Independence Day

07. Rose In The Desert

08. Vendetta

09. Rising High

10. Prologue: The Great Unknown

11. In The Darkness

12. I Give As Good As I Get

13. Princess Of The Dawn


01. Timebomb 02. Drum Solo 03. Bass Solo 04. Hungry And Angry 05. One Heart One Soul 06. Man And Machine 07. Animal House 08. They Want War 09. Metal Heart 10. Fast As Shark 11. Balls To The Wall 12. Outro (Stillness Of Time)

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