Yuval Banay is celebrating his birthday today. Here are 20 interesting facts about him:

(Photo: Ron Kedmi)
1. He was born in Tel Aviv on June 9, 1962.
2. He is the eldest son of Ilana and Yossi Banay - actor, singer, comedian and writer.
3. He served in the Artillery Corps and took part in the First "Lebanon War".
4. The war affected him and his songs deeply, he wrote about it among other things the songs "The Cannon Rings Twice" from "Mashina"'s debut album, which talks about a friend's shell shock and "Can't Stop It", which recounts his experiences from the First Lebanon War.
5. He met Shlomi Bracha after the war when he instructed recruits in the "Shivta" military camp.

(Photo: Barry Fridlander)
6. The two used to spend their vacations at the "Penguin" club, and under the influence of the bands that played there like "Minimal Compact" and "Jean Conflict" decided to form a band.
7. They wrote the entire first album of "Mashina" at the military base.
8. After their release from the Army, they formed "Mashina" in 1983 and began performing themselves at the "Penguin" club.
9. In 1984 he was cast in the film "Sun Blow" starring Anat Atzmon. He sang the theme song from the movie.
10. Later that year he was a part of the "Shlom Hatzibur" band, which also included his bandmate from Mashina - Iggy Dayan.
11. In 1985, the debut album of "Mashina" was released, since then he has released with the band 9 more studio albums, including masterpieces such as "The Association for the Study of Mortality", "Monsters of Glory", "Goodbye Youth Hello Love" and more.
12. In 1991 he produced the album of his then wife Orly Zilbershtz - "Miranda's Cabaret" and composed most of its songs.
13. In 1995 he musically produced the album "Journey with Myself" by the band "Eifo HaYeled?" and participated in the song arrangements.
14. In 1997 he released his first solo album "Yuval Banay". Bo composed all the songs on the album and wrote most of them. Since then, Yuval has released 4 more studio albums as part of his solo career.
15. In 1998 he participated in the musical project "Avoda Ivrit". He performed a cover version of Arik Einstein's song "I Love to Sleep", with the African Roots band.

(Photo: Last.fm)
16. In 2012, he served with his friend Shlomi Bracha as a mentot in the TV program "The Voice".
17. In 2016, he was a guest on Shlomo Artzi's album "Whipped Cream". He sang with him the song "Forever Together."
18. In 2019, Banay staged the show "Yuval Shar Yossi" in which he performed the songs of his father, Yossi Banay.
19. In 2020 he participated in the movie "Mami".
20. He is the father of Elisha Banay - his eldest son known as a lead singer in the bands "Elisha Banay and the 40 Bandits" and "Got No Shame".